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Artificial Organs

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Welcome to Bionic Bodies:The Future of Artificial Organs and Limbs. This website was made as a part of the Teen Biotech Challenge. The purpose is to inform you about new and innovative technology involving Artificial Organs and Prosthetic Limbs. Enjoy navigating this site by clicking on images. Take quizzes in the "about" category, watch videos under "innovaters" and view sources under "references." View more news and learn about the history of artificial limbs and organs by clicking on those respective buttons. For any questions or comments, contact usThank You!

Latest News on Bionics and Artificial Organs

feeling arm.jpg
southafrica paralympis.jpg
C-Leg by Ottobock.jpg
15-career award.jpg
14-Claudia Mitchell.jpg
Lung on a chip.jpg
3d printed earlobes.jpg
artificial human.jpg
new artificial heart.jpg
lung chip image.jpg
artificial bladder.jpg
7- Carmat heart.jpg
11-Self healing skin.jpg

Prosthetic Limbs

© 2015 by Ranya Odeh. Proudly created with

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